• United Kingdom
  • info@kxpower.co.uk
  • +44 (0)207 459 4352
  • January 24, 2024
Dear KX Power team, I am writing with respect to the Financial Analyst position advertised on your website. Having worked in the clean energy space for the duration of my career, KX Power is a name I am well familiar with. I am currently in the market for a new role and have a keen interest in continuing to work in this space with organisations that have a solid reputation in the market; in particular those engaged with energy storage & flexibility solutions on account of the increasingly pivotal role that these segments have in the success of the broader energy transition going forwards. To provide some background on myself, I have spent the majority of my career to date at Macquarie's Green Investment Group, focusing primarily on their utility-scale solar, wind and energy storage strategies in the UK and Europe. More recently, I completed a stint at the energy-transition focused advisory boutique, Alexa Capital, covering renewables infrastructure as well as a variety of cleantech verticals (incl. energy storage and flexibility). I am more than happy to share a CV as convenient to provide more detail. If my profile is of interest, I would be grateful to discuss this further with you at a suitable time. I am based in London so am more than happy to come down to your office for an initial meeting, when convenient. Best regards, Chris
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Christopher Bray
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