• United Kingdom
  • info@kxpower.co.uk
  • +44 (0)207 459 4352
  • October 31, 2023
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you to apply for the KX Power Graduate role. Having reviewed the details of the role I feel I would benefit greatly from the variety of opportunities and I would bring a great level of commitment and dedication to the tasks I am challenged with. I believe that my recent extensive internship experience as part of a specialist private equity insurance unit, managing client assets which were largely centred around the energy industry, provides me with a particularly unique perspective to draw upon. This, coupled with the fundamentals of my university degree at the London School of Economics, leaves me confident that my skills would be a great fit for a role at KX Power. Furthermore, my recent summer work in financial consultancy has given me confidence in my two greatest skills being critical analysis and communication. Overall, I feel that both of my internship experiences have left me with a strong understanding of client management skills which are critical for the requirements of this role. I am enthused by the collaborative nature of the work and the requirement for passion and independence as I feel it fits my own personality perfectly. I invite you to see my attached CV for my background and qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration. Yours Sincerely, Nikhil Paranjape
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Nikhil Paranjape
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