• United Kingdom
  • info@kxpower.co.uk
  • +44 (0)207 459 4352
  • June 6, 2023
Dear Sir/Madam, I am a current masters student at the University of Cambridge and I came across your company whilst undertaking a research project for my degree and have seen the objectives of the firm and am compelled to enquire about potential opportunities to work at a company in the field of renewable investment such as yourself. The masters I am undertaking is in Energy Technologies and is a mixture between the engineering behind renewable electricity production, and the finance and management of these technologies. This makes me believe that I would be an ideal candidate for any potential graduate roles at the firm. Moreover, I already have finance and strategy experience through my internship in investment banking at Natixis last summer. For this role I worked closely with the Senior Country Manager and undertook analysis tasks and advised potential financing opportunities in the area of renewable energy. An example of the work and experience I had was seen halfway through my internship when my supervisor was on holiday and left me the task to look into biomethane investments in the UK. During this time I networked with biomethane plant owners and gained an understanding on the viability of investments. I then came across the finance director at a biomethane technology company and developed a relationship which resulted in information about a potential financing opportunity. By the time my supervisor returned I had undertaken a full analysis and presented my findings to him. I compared this investment to one previously undertaken by Macquarie and described how the opportunity presented here would be superior to that investment. All of this was undertaken whilst I was an intern and hopefully highlights my aspirations to make serious impact in renewable energy investment and would relish the chance to meet with you and discuss any potential vacancies at the company. Thank you very much for reading this email up until this point as I am sure your time is very valuable. I look forward to hearing back soon. Many thanks, George Means
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George Means
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